
Moduł ochrony danych osobowych wspomaga organizację w dostosowaniu się do wymagań związanych z RODO np. w obsłudze czynności, kategorii przetwarzania oraz raportowaniu.

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SecureVisio RODO

The data protection module helps your organization comply with the requirements related to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including those related to data handling activities, data processing categories, and reporting.

The module also allows you to:
  • Search IT systems that process personal data and the groups and the categories of data processed there;
  • Determine the available technical safeguards against potential threat sources for all IT systems that process personal data;
  • Automatically generate a ‘Data protection breach report for the supervisory authority’, including a determination of possible consequences of a security breach;
  • Conduct the data protection impact assessment (risk analysis) in the scope of cyber security threats – as required by the GDPR – in a fully automated manner.
  • Automatically analyze the risk of loss of data availability, confidentiality, and integrity;
  • The information processed within the module is an additional point of context taken into account in the security incident handling process in other areas of the SecureVisio system.

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for 1 user, subscription for 12` months