– here it is possible to isolate yourselves from the office noise to work in silence or join a video meeting. Such places may be equipped with a personal video terminal that can simultaneously work as a computer monitor. The terminal has a touch screen that gives additional opportunities to work together with other participants of a video conference (whiteboard, putting notes on the presentation, etc.). The device also provides excellent sound thanks to the built-in speakers and directional microphones. The terminal’s camera can work as a document camera and share documents on the desk in front of the terminal screen. With wireless presentation transfer, there is no need to connect the computer to the terminal using HDMI cables.
Ekran dotykowy 23”
Kamera Full HD
z przesłoną i możliwością pracy jako kamera dokumentowa
Zintegrowane nagłośnienie
optymalizowane dla odtwarzania głosu
4 mikrofony
zoptymalizowane do rejestrowania głosu osoby siedzącej przed terminalem
ma możliwość pracy jako monitor komputera
Touchscreen 23”
Full HD camera
with an iris and the ability to work as a document camera
Integrated sound system
optimized for voice playback
4 microphones
optimized for recording the voice of the person sitting in front of the terminal
has the ability to work as a computer monitor
Quiet work place
from 1 to 4 persons
- System for wireless content presentation, interactive board and video conferencing all-in-one
- LED LCD display in 4K quality
- 4K camera with an 86-degree field of view
- Touch display with an intuitive interface
- Integrated speakers with optimized parameters
- 12 microphones operating in the acoustic bubble technology